Some Books Translated

Bilingual Books Copyedited and Proofread

I am a literary and technical-scientific translator graduated from the INES en Lenguas Vivas J. R. Fernández and sworn translator graduated from the Universidad del Museo Social Argentino.
I was a lecturer of Literary Translation during almost 20 years at INES en Lenguas Vivas and trained English professors graduated from the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional in the field of translation.
I work as a freelance translator for international agencies, non-governmental organizations, universities and companies, and I have been working as a translator and bilingual copyeditor and proofreader for the Museo de Arte Moderno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires for five years now.
In the publishing field, I have translated fiction and non-fiction works for national and foreign publishing houses. In 2002, I was awarded the Third Conosur 2001-2002 Prize for Scientific-Technical Translations, organized by Unión Latina, for the translation of “Clonación: Objeciones Judeocristianas” by Stephen Post, Criterio, LXX, No. 2204.
I co-founded the Club de Traductores Literarios with Jorge Fondebrider and I was part of the group in support of the Bill for the Defense of Literary Translators’ Rights. At present I am a member of the Board of CADRA representing translators. Full résumé

Some Clients

CADRA at the 2019 Book Fair

A brief introduction to CADRA for my fellow literary translators.
A Day with Conrad Green
Prologue for the book by Ring Lardner, published by LOM Ediciones in Chile. Read

Literary Translation, a fertile field for error
“Sometimes I think there is no greater error than the absence of error.” The article was posted on the Club de Traductores Literarios de Buenos Aires blog in 2009. Read
Neutral Spanish: on tremolinas and scandals
Should “Neutral Spanish” be used in translations? Here are some practical notions to enable us to make more accurate decisions when translating in Argentina.
The article was published in the monthly journal Idiomanía, 2, No. 19, October 1993. Read
Some years ago I chose to support the caring work of the Fundación Volviendo a Casa. Get to know it and help us help.